Tuesday 16 October 2012

Acrylic furniture

Clear furniture comes in many shapes and sizes, and has many uses.  The whole acrylic furniture conjures up visions of the 70's, but the reality is far more stylish.  We have a clear version of a wing chair in our window and it generates many a conversation (and it looks great!).  Using acrylic coffee and side tables creates an illusion of space in a room.  I've chosen a cross section of what is out there.  I particularly like the part upholstered chairs as this softens the effect.

The bottom picture is the same chair we have and these are available to order from ANGEL & BB (they're not on our website yet, so contact us by email - info@angelandbb.co.uk

1 comment:

  1. Very nice pieces of Acrylic furniture and I especially like the chairs with the flag printed on them. This has become a growing trend as the buyers are attempting to design their houses with a modern touch and themes. The durability of an acrylic product will surprise someone who has never tried the furniture before.
